This list of projects is in no way complete, but highlights the most important and bigger projects I was involved in or managed:
2017 – present:
- Water resources management software development (Aquabase) with GIS integration
- Web-based groundwater GIS mapping Dashboard development for the Table Mountain Strategic Water Source Area, Cape Town, South Africa
- Development of a Groundwater Database and Visualisation Tools for the City of Cape Town and Environs (Water Research Commission project), including database software and GIS training of students and development of a web-based mapping tool available to the public
- Set-up and management of the Western Cape groundwater database for the Western Cape Government Water Business Continuity Project
- GIS mapping (QGIS) with groundwater level regression analysis and co-kriging (Saga GIS and R) for construction projects in Limpopo
- ArcGIS training for Master’s Degree student
- Aquabase training and support to groundwater consulting firms
2013 – 2016:
- Guest house management (technical: IT, maintenance; operational; marketing)
- Personnel and financial management
- Water management software development (Aquabase) with GIS integration
- Hydrogeological support and GIS with Report Writing on Water Resources Management Projects
2003 – 2013:
- Financial, personnel and project management of chemical laboratory operations
- Marketing and business development
- Set-up and management of new laboratory companies and branches in South Africa and Mozambique
- Website, LIMS and CRM setup and management
1994 – 2005:
- Mass transport modelling of groundwater pollution plume related to coal mining activities.
- Numerical flow model, risk analysis and aquifer management recommendations for the Wolmaranstad wellfield (Goudveld Water Board).
- Regional hydrogeological characterisation with GIS mapping of Unit 11 (Kwazulu-Natal) for the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
- Desktop studies with GIS mapping for EMPR of opencast and underground coal mining activities.
- Groundwater characterisation and borehole location on GIS for the North-West Province Water Supply and RDP Projects.
- Numerical flow modelling for opencast coal mine to determine time and place of decant after mine closure.
- 3D flow modelling for underground coal mine.
- Numerical flow model and aquifer management recommendations for the Schweizer-Reneke wellfield.
- Desktop study with GIS mapping for JICA (Japan International Co-operation Agency) project on the expansion of the capacity of Magalies Water Board.
- Regional hydrogeological characterisation with GIS mapping for the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry - Strategic Planning.
- Hydrogeological characterisation with GIS mapping for the Department of Agriculture: Groundwater Potential of the Ganyesa Kudumane and adjoining Areas
- Hydrogeological GIS mapping and characterization of groundwater resources and sanitation requirements of 11 Towns in Uganda.
- Geological, geochemical and geophysical GIS mapping and GIS ore evaluation in Northern Uganda.
- Delphi programming of Aquabase Water Management Database Software with GIS integration.
- Implementation of Aquabase with GIS in various consulting firms, mining, industrial and government organizations and regional/local councils in South Africa, Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique
- Water Quality Monitoring Programme for Dept. Water Affairs and Forestry, Directorate: Geohydrology using water database and GIS.
1992 – 1994:
- Responsible for the upgrading and management of hydrogeological and geological database.
- Compilation of reports on the monitoring of an alluvial aquifer for a mine's water supply.
- Groundwater investigation and report with recommendations on the problems being experienced in a wellfield supplying water to a mine and village.
- Hydrogeology investigation and interpretation of a gold mine's tailing dam site.
- Supervision of drilling and geological borehole logging for mine pit de-watering purposes.
- Compilation of geological borehole and geophysical data as input and establishment of a geological computer model to characterize and define the extent of a sandstone aquifer in Botswana.
- Dynamic hydrogeological computer modelling, water balance study and aquifer management proposal for a sandstone aquifer in Botswana.
- Report on the groundwater monitoring and regular modelling of the sandstone aquifer in Botswana.
- Groundwater investigation and impact assessment of opencast mines on the groundwater regime for EMPR reports.
1991 – 1992:
- Project Leader in Regional Geohydrological Characterisation Programme of the Directorate: Geohydrology for the publication of hydrogeological maps with explanations: responsible for coordination of field data collection, correlation with existing data and identification and delineation of problem areas for further detailed investigation use of the National Groundwater Database on mainframe computer, down-loading of data for updating and interpretation on PC with hydrological database and CAD software, preparation of data for use on GIS.
- Geohydrological representative in river catchment studies.
- Geological logging of boreholes for village water supply projects with concluding reports.
- Geohydrological investigation and recommendations for issue of permits in terms of the Water Act.
- Planning and supervision of geophysical borehole siting for water supply in the Kruger National Park, gaining considerable experience in geophysical methods: collection and interpretation of data form magnetometer, Geonics EM-34, Genie SE-88, Wenner and Schlumberger resistivity profiling and sounding.